Monday, December 18, 2006

Forest Ninjas

My saturday started out like most saturdays,

" Dad wake up. dad, dad . dad."
"Honey can you get up with her?"

"ok M, I'm coming, go play with your cat for an hour and I'll be right there"

And then it clicks, I bounce out of bed and into my snow gear while jamming at the coffee pot buttons. Rice crispies splatter the floor as I 'cook' breakfast for the little gaffer, cringing as I feel the creepy pops under my feet. My mind is focusing although the world wouldn't know it, seeing only the whirlwind of activity that the rising sun demands.

Today. is Forest Ninja day.

The only day of the year I get to dress up and hunt the forest, tracking sap and wielding a bright orange Axe, wreaking havoc as I slyly pounce through the underbrush. Tree's tremble at my peircing eyes, my sturdy hand and righteous justice. Tales of the mighty forest Ninjas fly on the wind from branch to branch, conjuring up images of angry bundles of firepower slashing baby tree's without conscience.

As my faithful brethren arrive high up on proud steeds I say my farewells, to Maiden and princess alike, not knowing if this will be the last time our eyes will meet....

Sniff, Dodge, Flinch.

Sniff, Dodge, Flinch.

We see the sentry tree's posted high atop steep rock faces as we scale in a catlike fashion up the slippery shale. Fear is the furthest thing from our minds as we climb past discarded deer hooves and the remains of recent battles in the snow push us on.

Atttackkk!!! We spread out in formation around the might Oak Beast and selectivly swing and dodge as its mighty branches sweep out to decimate the little ninjais.

As the sun sets over the Skeena River, falling behind a majestic backdrop of whitcapped mountain peaks, we regale each other with mighty tales of Ole. Storing Todays mighty feats for next year, when our tale will be taller than the cliff we sit on.

1 comment:

mari said...

all that and you come home with half a tree?? nice.